The birch is a remarkable plant whose medicinal properties have been known for centuries. Its discovery and use as a remedy goes back a long way and has manifested itself in various forms and applications. In this article, we explore its many aspects as a natural remedy and its healing powers.
Birch: discovery and use
The discovery of the healing power of birch dates back to ancient cultures that recognized and used its many properties. Early civilizations such as the Germanic tribes and Slavs used it in the form of teas, tinctures and ointments to treat a variety of ailments.
Form and dosage
Nowadays, it is often taken in the form of teas or dietary supplements. The tea can be made simply by pouring hot water over dried birch leaves and leaving to infuse for a few minutes. The dosage varies depending on the application, but it is generally recommended to drink one to two cups of birch leaf tea per day to reap the health benefits.
Birch: Healing properties
Complementary food supplements and medicinal plants
Birch: Medical recognition and use
Published on: 28. February 2024
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