The discovery of shepherd’s purse

The discovery of shepherd’s purse as an effective natural remedy goes back a long way. Even in ancient times, the plant was valued for its many healing properties. The discovery of the medicinal properties can be traced back to the folk medicine of many cultures. The striking shape of its fruits, which are reminiscent of purses, led to its name.

Application and dosage

It can be taken in various forms. The most common is a tea infusion made from the dried leaves and flowers. To prepare a tea, pour hot water over about 2 teaspoons of chopped shepherd’s purse and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. This tea can be drunk up to three times a day, preferably between meals.

Shepherd’s purse: medicinal effects and areas of application

1. Female ailments

Shepherd’s purse is traditionally used to relieve women’s complaints, including irregular menstruation and menstrual cramps. It also helps to regulate the menstrual cycle.

2. Digestive problems

It can also provide relief for digestive problems such as flatulence, stomach cramps and mild indigestion. The tea has a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract and promotes digestion.

3. Wound healing

The astringent properties make it an effective remedy for external use on small wounds, cuts and skin irritations. An infusion can be applied as a compress to the affected area to promote healing.

4. Hemostasis

Due to its hemostatic properties, it has also traditionally been used to treat nosebleeds and minor bleeding.

Complementary food supplements and medicinal plants

Although shepherd’s purse has an impressive range of healing properties, it can be complemented by other supplements and medicinal plants to enhance its effectiveness:

  • Yarrow: yarrow has anti-inflammatory properties and can be combined to improve the relief of women’s discomfort.
  • Nettle: Nettle contains many vitamins and minerals that can promote overall health and strengthen the body. It can be taken as a supportive supplement to treat digestive problems.
  • Chamomile: Chamomile has a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract and can be taken for stomach complaints and indigestion.

Medical recognition and research

Although shepherd’s purse has long been used in folk medicine, there is increasing interest from the medical community in its potential healing properties. Numerous studies have investigated the pharmacological properties and confirmed its effectiveness in treating various ailments.


Shepherd’s purse is a remarkable medicinal plant with a wide range of uses. From relieving women’s complaints to aiding digestion and wound healing, it offers a natural alternative to many conventional medicines. The effectiveness can be further enhanced by combining it with other medicinal plants and food supplements. Despite its long history in traditional medicine, shepherd’s purse is also becoming increasingly important in modern medicine.

Published on: 27. February 2024


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